
The Great Flanders Mare

On this day in history Henry VIII annulled his marriage to Anna of Cleves, a woman who is often remembered for the horrible nickname he gave her – The Great Flanders Mare. Henry’s side of the story was that she wasn’t pretty enough, but the reality is she just busted his ego up something fierce.… Read more The Great Flanders Mare

High Cost of Autism

Having a kid with Autism Spectrum Disorder, from high-functioning Aspy’s who can pass for “quirky” with a little help to ASD issues to the point of non-verbal and non-functioning, is expensive. A recent study has looked at just how much it can cost to have a child on the spectrum, and the answer was as… Read more High Cost of Autism

In Praise of Sweet Babou

When Elliot Rodger killed his roommates and random people in “revenge” for the fact women “denied” him the sex he felt he was entitled to, the #YesAllWomen was formed to explain how the normalization of misogyny in culture means that women face danger. Moreover, because it is seen as normal it becomes a “valid” avenue… Read more In Praise of Sweet Babou

Please leave Dr. Suzannah Lipscomb’s hair out of it

The Daily Mail has run an article interviewing Dr. Suzannah Lipscomb and I am torn equally between happiness and tears about it. Dr. Lipscomb is a renown historian and the author of several books, including one I found to be extremely valuable during my research, 1536: The Year That Changed Henry VIII. It is an… Read more Please leave Dr. Suzannah Lipscomb’s hair out of it